Ukwenza imveliso yesinyithi esona siboneleli siphezulu sentsimbi emnyama
Indawo yokuqala: | Tianjin, China (kwilizwekazi) |
Inani Model: | GSS00103 |
yokuqinisekisa: | ISO,BV |
Isixa esincinci soMyalelo: | I-15TONS |
ixabiso: | FOB XINGANG: 400-600 iUSD NGALE TON |
Iinkcukacha zoPakethe: | 1. Ipakishwe ngeengxowa ezi-8 eziqiniswe ngebhanti yentsimbi kunye iplastiki esongelwe ukuba kuyimfuneko 2. Ngokwemfuno yomthengi |
Ixesha lokuzisa: | Delivered within 30 days after receipt of deposit |
Immimiselo yokuhlawula: | I-30% T / T idipozithi kwangaphambili, i-70% T / T eseleyo kwiintsuku ezi-5 emva kwekopi ye-B / L; I-100% engenakuguqulwa L / C kwimbonakalo; I-100% engenakuguqulwa L / C emva kokufumana i-B / L iintsuku ezingama-30-120; O / A. |
Supply Ukubanako: | Iitoni ezingama-5000 zeMetric / iitoni zeMetric ngenyanga |
Mainly Products:
Black Steel Pipe (ERW Steel Pipe), Galvanized Steel Pipe, Black Square / Rectangular Steel Pipe, Galvanized Sqaure/ Rectangular Steel Pipe with different technique and surface treatment.