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होम>समाचार>उद्योग समाचार

ग्लोबल हट रोल्ट स्टील मार्केट | शीर्ष १ Key प्रमुख प्लेयरहरू र स्टील प्लेट, स्टील कोइल, फ्लैट जस्तो प्रकारहरू द्वारा विश्लेषण पूर्वानुमान सम्म २०२। | हल्का स्टील पानाहरू

समय: 2020-11-23 हिट्स: 1

There are things that no one can foresee, such as natural disasters or wars. These events can easily affect many industries including steel, as well as others that require steel in their production processes.

Meanwhile, buying organizations will want to pay close attention to any price changes, particularly to the upside (in fact prices have notched up for HRC, CRC and HDG in the opening days of February) to determine if the current downtrend shifts to a sideways trend.

Clint Cornejo, a partner with AllMetal, says Allen Boge, the owner of Boge Iron, was considering closing the facility when AllMetal made the purchase in mid-February. The Boge location will operate under the AllMetal name.

Finally, we have noticed in the reduction and demand in semiconductor market. That said, our long-term outlook remains positive and we expect slow improvement in demand as we progress through 2019. As for pricing, mill pricing for carbon steel products remains high levels in the fourth quarter following a number of increases in the first nine months of the year. Pricing for carbon products including plate, structural and tubing, where we have a significant presence were relatively stable during the quarter, though we did see some pressure on carbon flat-rolled price. We believe overall pricing for carbon steel products will remain stable to up in the first quarter of 2019 as compared to the fourth quarter of 2018, and we continue to monitor the recent price increases announced on hot-rolled coil.