Solaraiche stuth togail stàilinn ISO9001 A53 pìob gun ròn
Place of Origin: | Tianjin, Sìona (tìr-mòr) |
Modail Àireamh: | GSS00604 |
teisteanais: | SGS, BV, ISO |
Uidheam òrdugh as ìsle: | 10TONS |
Price: | FOB XINGANG: 500-700 USD PER TON |
Fiosrachadh Pacaidh: | 1. Pacaidh le 8 bagaichean air an teannachadh le crios meatailt agus plastaig air a phasgadh ma tha feum air 2. A rèir riatanas neach-ceannach |
Lìbhrigeadh Time: | 30 latha às deidh dhut na tasgaidhean agad fhaighinn |
Riaghailtean Pàigheadh: | Tasgadh 30% T / T ro làimh, cothromachadh 70% T / T às deidh leth-bhreac B / L; 100% L / C neo-chùramach aig an fhradharc ,; 100% L / C neo-chùramach an dèidh faighinn Leth-bhreac B / L 30-120 Làithean; O / A. |
Solar Comas: | 5000 Ton Metric / Tons Metric gach mìos |
Bathar-amh | schedule 40 steel pipe roughness,api 5l x65 psl2 steel pipe,api 5l x65 seamless pipe |
Trast-thomhas a-mach | 13.7mm-914mm |
Tiugh balla: | 2mm-120mm |
Length: | 2m-12m |
Producing Standard | American ASME B36.10M, ASTM, API 5L, API 5CT Japanese JIS German DIN GB Sìneach BS standard |
Prìomh Stuth: (Carbon Steel & Low Alloy steel) |
ASTM A53, A106, A210, A252, A333 etc; X42, X46, X52, X60, X65, X70 etc; JIS STPG42, G3454, G3456 etc; German St37, St42, St45, St52, DIN1626, DIN17175 Chinese 20#, Q345, 16Mn etc |
Special specifications: | Available according to customer’s requirements and quantity. |
End Shape: | Beveled end , plain end, varnished, or adding plastic caps to protect the two ends as per customer’s requirements |
Surface leigheas: | Painted, Oiled, galvanized, phosphate etc |
Cleachdadh: | ● Widely used in the mechanical treatment field, petrochemical industry, transport and construction field ● Ordinary structural purposes and mechanic structural purposes, for example in construction field, fulcrum bearing etc; ● The transportation of fluids in the projects and big equipments, for example transport of water, oil, gas etc ● Can be used in low and medium pressure boiler for the transportation of fluids, for example steam tube, big smoke tube, small smoke tube, generating tube etc |
Teisteanasan: | ISO,CE, API 5L certificate |
Sgrùdadh treas pàrtaidh: | Welcome you to send a third party inspecting company (BV, SGS etc) to check the quality of our final products. |
Pasgan agus lìbhrigeadh
Maoin Meicnigeach
Ìre stàilinn | Neart teanachaidh (Rm Mpa) |
Neart toraidh (ReH Mpa) |
Elongation A5% |
20 # | ≥520 | ≥375 | ≥15 |
45 # | ≥600 | ≥520 | ≥10 |
Q345B(Q345D) | ≥600 | ≥520 | ≥14 |
Partial Projects