Duilleag stàilinn preasach galvanised airson togail
Place of Origin: | Tianjin, Sìona |
Brand Ainm: | Stàilinn Goldensun |
Modail Àireamh: | GS00906 |
teisteanais: | ISO, CE, SGS, BV, BIS |
Uidheam òrdugh as ìsle: | 15 TUILLEADH DHUILLEAG |
Price: | FOB XINGANG:USD400-700 PER TON |
Fiosrachadh Pacaidh: | ceangailte le stiallan stàilinn agus air am pasgadh le pàipear dìon uisge |
Lìbhrigeadh Time: | Air a thoirt a-mach ann an latha 30 às deidh pàigheadh |
Riaghailtean Pàigheadh: | Tasgadh 30% T / T ro làimh, cothromachadh 70% T / T taobh a-staigh 5 latha às deidh leth-bhreac B / L, 100% L / C neo-sheasmhach aig an fhradharc, 100% L / C neo-chùramach às deidh dha B / L 30-120 latha fhaighinn, O / A. |
Solar Comas: | 5000 Ton Metric / Tons Metric gach mìos |
bathar Ainm | PPGI/GI Corrugated Steel Sheet |
tiughad | 0.13mm-1mm |
Length | 2.5m, 3.0m, 5.8m no a rèir iarrtas sònraichte neach-ceannach |
leud | 610,760,840,900,914,1000,1200,1250mm |
Tolerance | Tiugh: +/- 0.02mm, leud: +/- 2mm |
uachdar | GI:40g/sqm-275g/gsm, according to customer's request |
Industrial and civil buildings, warehouses, special buildings, large-span steel structure roofing, wall and external decoration of the building
Tuairisgeul Companaidh:
At first, GOLDENSUN are mainly engaged in carbon steel pipes, bars, and beams, hot rolled plates, it main market in Southeast Asia, Western Europe, mid-East etc. Along with market changes, Goldensun continuously enrich the products to meet market demands. At present, GOLDENSUN deal with products including all kinds of steel pipes, bars, beams, plates, and sheets, galvanized and galvalume coils, PPGI, corrugated sheets, pre-paint corrugated sheets, all kinds of wires, meshes, fencing and nails.
Buannachd farpaiseach
1. Prìs reusanta le càileachd sàr-mhath
2. Stoc pailt agus lìbhrigeadh luath
3. Eòlas solair is às-mhalairt beairteach, seirbheis dhùrachdach