Ral càileachd àrd càileachd PPGI ro-pheantadh stàilinn stàilinn galbhanaichte
Place of Origin: | Tianjin, Sìona |
Brand Ainm: | Stàilinn Goldensun |
Modail Àireamh: | GS00902 |
teisteanais: | ISO, CE |
Uidheam òrdugh as ìsle: | 15TONS |
Price: | FOB XINGANG: 500-800 USD PER TON |
Fiosrachadh Pacaidh: | An toiseach le pasgan plastaig, an uairsin cleachd pàipear dìon-uisge, mu dheireadh air a phacaigeadh ann an duilleag iarainn no a rèir iarrtas sònraichte an neach-ceannach |
Lìbhrigeadh Time: | Taobh a-staigh 30 latha às deidh tasgadh fhaighinn |
Riaghailtean Pàigheadh: | Tasgadh 30% T / T ro làimh, cothromachadh 70% T / T taobh a-staigh 5 latha às deidh leth-bhreac B / L, 100% L / C neo-sheasmhach aig an fhradharc, 100% L / C neo-chùramach às deidh dha B / L 30-120 latha fhaighinn, O / A. |
Solar Comas: | 5000 Ton Metric / Tons Metric gach mìos |
width | 600-1500mm |
tiughad | 0.12-5mm |
Coitcheann | JIS G 3302-1998, ASTMA653M, GB/T 2518, Q/CHG3-2005, EN 10142, DX51D,ENG10142,SGCD(DX52D+Z) |
Cuideam coil | 3-8tons (Can be customized) |
Technique | Hot dipped galvanized, alu-zinc coating, pre-painted, color coating, etc |
Coiteachadh sinc | 60-275g / m2 |
Tolerance |
Tiugh: +/- 0.02mm Width: +/-2mm |
Giullachd uachdar | Regular spangle, minimized spangle, zero spangle, bright spangle, etc |
iarrtas | Steel structure, building exterior application, building material, roofing household, application, tube making, etc… |
Feart tairgse | Good performance, high precise, high straightness, high evenness and surface finishing, uniform thickness, easy for coating process, high tensile strength, high pressing property and low yield point |
pasgan | Wrapped with waterproof paper inside, galvanized steel covered, tied by steel strip, supported by pallet, then loaded in container or according to customer’ requirements |
lìbhrigeadh | Normally 7-10 days after get deposits or according to the quantit |
Pacadh & Lìbhrigeadh
● 4 metal strapping bands and 4 circumferential bands to make the coil stable.
● Inner and outer protective steel rings on the coil edges.
● Both ends are covered with disks.
● Galvanized metal & waterproof paper around the coil.
Factory & Equipments